MongoDB InPlace Version Upgrade 3.4x to 3.6x
Today I am putting simple and straight forward steps to in-place upgrade / downgrade mongoDB single as well as replica set cluster. Note: Steps are for CentOS kindly modify for other OS. Warning: IMPORTANT Always backup all of your data before upgrading MongoDB and test steps in nonprod env first. 1. Checking compatibility version db.system.version.find(); 2. setting compatiblity version db.adminCommand( { setFeatureCompatibilityVersion: "3.4" } ) 3. change dir cd /tmp/ 4. download pkgs ( link ) wget && wget 5. cd home cd 6. stopping mongo systemctl stop mongod 7. backing up conf cp /etc/mongod.conf /tmp/ 8. removing current Binary yum remove mongod* 9. cd download dir cd /tmp/ 10. installing n...